Editing Services

Are you a designer, photographer or fellow creative individual? Oh hey! Being a photo editor was how I got my start in mainstream photography work. Editing has the most special place in my heart and expanding upon those editing skills is a career path I am so excited to pursue. Currently, I am offering freelance editing work from culling services to color correction to object removal and more! Please take a look at my work and click that book button when you're ready to get goin!


$25 per hour

Includes lighting + color correction.

**Best for shoots with a smaller amount of photos.


$30 per hour

Includes: lighting correction, color correction, skin smoothing, blemish removal.

**Best for shoots with a smaller amount of photos but a good amount of work.



Includes: lighting correction, color correction, skin smoothing, blemish removal.

**Priced knowing your wedding gallery will have MANY amazing photos needing to be edited!


Photoshop is currently priced at $10 per image which includes object/person removal, skin editing, any color correction, special effects addition, etc.

Object/Person Removal Examples

Object removal before | Photos by https://matrimony-media.com/

Object removal after | Photos by https://matrimony-media.com/

Object removal before | Photos by https://matrimony-media.com/

Object removal after | Photos by https://matrimony-media.com/


Did you decide this was a good investment for your business? YAY! I can't wait to help you elevate your photos, make your clients happy and especially take the editing weight off your shoulders! Please click the booking link above to get stared. All editing inquiries are encouraged to book 1-2 trial sessions so we can make sure we're a good fit!