Hi, I'm Becca!


▴ Owner ▴

Thank you for taking a moment to visit the site of an aspiring photographer and content creator! Growing up, I was always creating whether that be with a camera, fabrics, or a paper and pen. Creativity is arguably the one passion to make my soul sing. As you can see, I don’t have just one style but many which stems from the my ever-growing and constantly changing aesthetic.

The best part, of course, is shooting with me. It's basically like having a personal hype man for a day. My goal is to obviously take amazingly beautiful photos but to also make sure YOU know how amazing they look too!

So take a peek around and when you’re ready, click that 'Book' button and let's make some magic. I can’t wait to create with you!


Personal Instagram | @rebecks23
Photography Instagram | @THECOLLECTIVCREATIVCO

More Fun Facts


▴ Creator ▴

I currently reside on the beautiful central coast of CA in SLO county. Born and raised, I have yet to find the strength to leave as this place and its beauty never cease to amaze me. 

In the spring of 2022, I graduated Washington State University and soon after I started photographing *almost* full time. When i'm not working my day job as a welder (I know, very unexpected), I am probably creating or learning, or both!

A little personal


▴the cool aunt ▴

Along with having 3 beautiful nieces, I also have 2 very special goddaughters in my life (pictured here). If I am not working or creating, you can usually find me hangin with the babes!

Follow me on Instagram